Length of video: 6 minute 46 seconds
Zotero has the capability of helping you save dozens of hours on your assignments, research, and more. All you have to do is learn a few key basics and you are well on your way to saving a ton of time. This tutorial discusses the use of the Zotero Word plugin. The Word plugin automatically downloads when you download Zotero onto your desktop. If you have Word open when you download Zotero, you will need to restart it.
The Word plugin appears as a tab at the top of your Word document.
**Picture here**
When you click on it you are given a few different options: Add/Edit in-text citation, Add/Edit bibliography, **something else**
**Picture here**
When writing your paper whether a dissertation, article for a journal, assignment for class, you need to be referencing as you go. In order to avail of the fantastic "add bibliography" feature (which in this case is a reference list as well), you have to use the "add in-text citation" feature for every in-text citation throughout your paper. The reason is that by using this feature on your in-text citations, you are signalling to Zotero what to include in the reference list, otherwise, it will not know what you have cited and cannot create a full reference list for you. So if you only used the "in-text" citation feature for half of your references, only half will appear in your reference list.