This section will point out some of the useful features found within EDS and how they can enhance your researching skills.
The Add to Folder function is a useful tool when conducting your research. This allows you to store records you have read or plan to read in the future. Why not create a new folder for each new assignment and have your relevant articles ready at the click of a button?
Selecting print here won't print the article, but just the author details and abstract. In order to print, download the PDF article to your computer and use the Paper Cut website to print it off in the library. Make sure you have print credits, which can be bought via
When using another's work, it is important to reference them correctly within your work. The Cite tool shows the different referencing styles that you can use. Be careful to select the correct style for your assignment and some formatting may need to be applied.
Permalink is a useful tool for faculty as it allows them to ethically link journal articles to students' Moodle page without any fear of breaching copyright.