DBS provides access to a wide range of databases, and journals related to LIS
Keep your first search simple
Articles can be found by entering the article title into the search box.
Put the exact title of the article in inverted commas (" ") to ensure better results.
If this does not work, then search for the name of the whole Journal instead e.g. "Journal of Business Ethics". Use the year and volume number to locate the specific article.
Useful filters to consider to narrow your search include peer reviewed, date, language and format filters.
You can use EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) to search for all the journals, newspapers, magazines, and other materials that the library has access to.
Library & Information Science Source was developed to meet the needs of librarians, information professional and students. Subject coverage encompasses librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management and more. In addition, Library & Information Science Source provides comprehensive coverage of the history of library studies.
For Library and Information Studies Harvard referencing style is used. Advice on referencing journal articles can be found in our Harvard referencing guide.