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DBS institutional repository (eSource)

Searching eSource

DBS eSource contains dissertations from DBS students with a mark of 1.1 or above.

Some dissertations (usually only older ones) may be marked as restricted access. This means they can be accessed online only when on-campus.

Other dissertation collections

EThOS eThesis Online Service (British Library)

Limit search to items available for immediate download from EThOS or the Institution (over 380,000 theses).  British Library Logo

Dart europe logo

DART-Europe E-theses Portal

Access to the full-text of a large and growing number of theses from over 579 universities in 29 European countries.

Top tip for using dissertation material in your academic work.

You should not over rely on dissertations as the primary sources for your academic work. They should  be cited alongside more scholarly sources to ensure you produce high quality academic work.