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PARC at Dublin Business School: Videos


On this page you can view the recordings of the talks delivered at PARC 22 in Dublin Business School.


Video 1 The Research Accelerator Project: The Little Project With Big Wings

The Research Accelerator Project: The Little Project With Big Wings

Project team: Presenting Authors: Marta Bustillo (UCD Library), Andrew Browne (Dublin Business School), Non-presenting Authors: Crystal Fulton (UCD School of Information and Communication Studies, project lead), Claire McGuinness (UCD School of Information and Communication Studies), Suzanne Guerin (UCD School of Psychology) and Paige Pope (Coalition for Networked Information).

This paper will present an analysis of the Research Accelerator Project and how it grew from a small idea into many papers and research productions over a several year period. This project was a perfect example of Applied Research in practice. The project produced a highly successful module at UCD as well as several significant research outputs. The initial project was a collaboration between UCD Library, the School of Information & Communication Studies, and the School of Psychology in UCD’s College of Social Sciences & Law, to design and deliver a six-unit, GPA- neutral, self-paced online module called Research Accelerator for the Social Sciences, using a combination of existing open educational resources and new material. The first part of the project produced and tested the module while also delivering a peer-reviewed paper, several conference papers and posters as well as internal publications at UCD. The project received a second life when it was conceived as a way to interact with students through the co-creation of video content. This added to the core teaching of the module and also produced a peer-reviewed paper, several conference papers and posters. In short, this small project has grown into a large applied project with several distinct outputs that have added significantly to the teaching and knowledge in the area.

Video 2 A Research Accelerator for Incoming Masters Students

A Research Accelerator for Incoming Masters Students

Dr. Andrew Browne (presenting author), Dr. Ronda Barron, Dr. Ciara Devine, Trevor Haugh and Robert Alfis (non-presenting authors)

Research is an important skill at third level and is taught at various points throughout a student’s career. It has come to our attention that there are a variety of resources available for students both through libraries and through open access via the web. What students lack at times is a particular guide-path to these resources. This researcher is testing the idea that these resources can be made available in a one-stop access point to all students at all levels, but students entering DBS from the Indian subcontinent and surrounding areas is the focus of the initial research. This project has evolved into a collaborative project funded by the Research Committee's grants 2020-21 and 2021-22.

This project initially researched the viability of a module which utilises the available OERs pertinent to the college as well as collaborating with the DBS Library to provide a one-stop fully on-line module. The research team is building and testing a module that gathers together a series of important research considerations, explores these using a variety of short recorded messages from certain research experts (3-5 minutes per point, volunteers collected from staff with expertise) and is rolling it out for testing this summer with small cohort of volunteers from across our college.

The Accelerator has been fully designed and the digital artefact is in the process of creation and testing. This paper will overview the process so far and preview the artefact which will be tested with the DBS student body this summer.

Video 3 The Development of a Measurement Instrument to Assess Learner Teacher Roles and Expectations

The Development of a Measurement Instrument to Assess Learner Teacher Roles and Expectations

Ciara Devine (Dublin Business School)

One of the challenges faced in higher education is that of achieving mutual understanding between learners and teachers about learner-teacher roles. Unfortunately, mutual understanding is not always achieved, and this can lead to divergent expectations about such things as pedagogical approaches, learner autonomy, academic skills, assessment, and responsibility for learning activities (Borghi, Mainardes & Silva, 2016; Harima et al., 2021; Hassle & Ridout, 2018; Kandinko &; Mawer, 2013; Li, 1999; Lowe & Cook, 2003).

There is a paucity of research at present on how learner-teacher roles are defined and a pressing need to develop instruments that can be used in higher education settings to measure and manage expectations about learner-teacher roles and responsibilities. The proposed research has two co-equal aims. Firstly, to create a multi-dimensional conceptual framework for understanding learner-teacher roles that considers the perspectives of learners and teachers. Secondly, the research aims to develop and validate a measurement instrument that can be used to assess and compare learner and teacher expectations about their respective roles and responsibilities within the learning process.

Video 4: Creating Composites as Evidence Based Research into an Approach to Counselling Therapy (The Experience of the Propeller Model Approach)

Creating Composites as Evidence Based Research into an Approach to Counselling Therapy (The Experience of the Propeller Model Approach) 

Dr. Kevin Stevenson

As a Post-Doctoral Fellow with Sofia University in Bulgaria, who is a practicing Counselling Therapist with the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, it has been a challenging and interesting experience introducing and utilizing one’s own therapeutic approach in my own practice. The Propeller Approach to psychotherapy and counselling is an approach that was developed from a Philosophy Doctoral dissertation which aims to be holistic, and can be considered an Existentialist, Gestalt or even Daseinanalytic approach that essentially aims to increase a client’s awareness of themselves. In order to provide an evidence-based backing for the Propeller Approach and understand the experience that clients have had with the approach a qualitative approach to research was implemented in order to receive feedback from five participants through semi-structured interviews after having received ethical approval from the Irish College of Humanities and Applied Science which is the college of which I am Sessional Lecturer. After receiving the data from the participants, the data was transcribed in order to apply thematic analysis to the data. In order to maintain anonymity but also to present the information in a creative and interesting manner, a composite of the data was created in order to fictionalize the data and increase the flow of the presentation of the information received. The use of thematic analysis also led to thematic mapping in order to code and identify the themes derived from the data which the composite contributed to. The project shows not only the potential of a new therapeutic approach to counselling therapy with the Propeller Model, but how to render it as an evidence-based effective approach through applied research methods whilst demonstrating the value that composites can have within thematic analysis.

Video 5 Sexual Minority Discrimination Today: Implications for Relationship Satisfaction, Passionate Love and Communication Apprehension

Sexual Minority Discrimination Today: Implications for Relationship Satisfaction, Passionate Love and Communication Apprehension

Dr Pauline Hyland (Dublin Business School)

Homosexuality was classified as a mental illness by the American Psychiatric Association until 1973. In Ireland, Homosexuality was illegal until 1998; it was then decriminalised under the Employment Equality Act and the Equality Status Act (2002). In May 2015, progress was made; the Marriage Equality Referendum was passed in Ireland which legalised marriage for two same-sex partners (Tobin, 2016). Despite legal progress, social equality has not emerged. A recurrent argument for the LGBT movement was that homosexuality was not a choice but was biological in nature (Coyle & Kitzinger, 2002).

Despite evidence that sexual orientation does not affect parenting skills; same-sex parents experience discrimination which causes negative mental health implications (Coyle & Kitzinger, 2002). The aim of this study was to evaluate quality of relationships between opposite sex couples and same-sex couples, post marriage referendum in Ireland, across the variables of relationship satisfaction, communication, and passionate love. A second aim was to determine if sexual minorities do experience greater discrimination, and how it effects relationship quality.

Using a mixed methods approach with a correlational and cross-sectional design, this study examined couple satisfaction, passionate love, communication, and discrimination among 187 18–65-year-old participants who were all in a relationship (107 heterosexuals, 40 lesbians, 21 gay men, 18 bisexuals).

Results showed that sexual minorities experience significantly higher levels of discrimination than heterosexual couples. Passionate Love and Communication were shown to predict relationship satisfaction. Statistical analysis reported no significant difference in relationship satisfaction based on sexual orientation. Qualitative questions were able to provide more detailed data on discrimination.

Video 6 Newly Qualified Irish Primary School Teachers’ Experiences and Understandings of Reinforcement and Punishment.

Newly Qualified Irish Primary School Teachers’ Experiences and Understandings of Reinforcement and Punishment

Edel Horan and Dr John Hyland (Dublin Business School)

The Irish education system has had many considerable changes within the past two decades. Initial teacher education has considerably lengthened in duration. Behaviour management models utilised within the education system have also shifted, from punitive towards reinforcement-based procedures. There has been a significant amount of research regarding the preparation provided by ‘Initial Teacher Education’ (ITE) programmes in the Irish context. Much of this research highlighted findings regarding how underprepared teachers are in the area of behaviour management. Interestingly, however, there has been little research on preparedness since the ITE programmes have recently lengthened in duration. Therefore, this qualitative research aimed to answer the question: What are the experiences and understandings of Irish newly qualified primary school teachers (NQTs) in the area of punishment and reinforcement within the context of behaviour management? Four semi-structured interviews with newly qualified teachers were conducted. Thematic analysis of transcripts indicated four key themes: ‘Learning of behaviour management’, ‘Reinforcement’, ‘Punishment’, and ‘Establishment of behaviour management’. The findings indicate, though provided with various learning opportunities, newly qualified teachers lack in their understanding of the terms reinforcement and punishment, despite clear uses of both in the classrooms. The NQTs had a clearer concept of the term reinforcement, in comparative to that of punishment. Although participants were largely unaware of the definition of punishment, and often evidently disapproving of its use, there were clear uses of punishment procedures by NQTs in the findings of this study. This study indicated the need to scrutinise education in the area of behaviour management at both initial teacher education and newly qualified teacher levels. Further studies investigating the impact of varying methods of preparation for effective behaviour management may be beneficial. Further exploration of the causal links between NQT self-efficacy and the selection of reinforcement or punishment is also recommended.

Video 7: Segmentation of intentions towards covid-19 vaccine acceptance

Segmentation of intentions towards covid 19 vaccine acceptance

Claire Rountree

Background: Management of the COVID-19 pandemic has been plagued by an online “infodemic”, not least on the topic of vaccine safety. Failure to vaccinate is often addressed with corrective, factually based information. However, this may be overly simplistic. European vaccine hesitancy levels correlate closely with popularity of populist parties while scientific populism refers specifically to populist distrust in scientific expertise.

Aims & Method: Combining an evaluation of risk through the Health Belief model and the cognitive constructs from the Theory of Planned Behaviour, with the influence of Populist statements, Anticipated Regret, Trust and Past Healthcare Behaviour, an online survey explored the components of vaccine decisions amongst a demographically representative Irish adult sample (N=1995).

Results: The regression model accounted for a large proportion of variance amongst the total sample. A primary set of influences suggests a considered risk evaluative decision-making approach while a second tier of weaker influences incorporates a broader set of values beyond cost-benefit analysis. Six ideological subsets were identified through K-Means analysis. Segments were differentiated by subjective norms attitudes (particularly around social media), populist political attitudes, self-efficacy, perceptions of CoVID-19 severity and susceptibility to the condition.

Conclusions: While the “right thing to do” is clear when viewed through a lens of scientific expert-advice, this is precisely the paradigm which populist movement rejects. Segmentations, such as the outputs from this study, validate the importance of proactively engaging with diverse communities both on and offline and afford a framework for developing and evaluating more refined, targeted, policies and interventions. Applied Next Steps: Discriminate analysis was used to develop a short form survey (13 questions), assigning respondents’ segment membership with 80% accuracy. The segmentation is replicable, allowing the testing of each segment’s response new communications, vaccine developments, and/or social/political happenings.

Video 8 The shifting boundaries of academic work in Technological Universities in Ireland


The shifting boundaries of academic work in Technological Universities in Ireland: challenges and opportunities

Tanya Zubrzycki (Dublin Business School)

The Technological Universities Act 2018 provided the legislature for qualified Institutes of Technology (IoTs) in Ireland to merge and be designated as Technological Universities (TUs). Among the policy expectations for TUs is building research capacity to advance knowledge and innovation in Ireland while contributing to the economic progress and regional regeneration, with less attention paid to the potential implications for the academic staff, an essential stakeholder in the TU process.

This PhD thesis was supported by the Teachers’ Union of Ireland and focused on exploring the academic work in the technological higher education sector in light of the evolving process of TUs development. Data was collected using an online survey of the academic staff and interviews with the academics and other stakeholders in the sector. The study used convergence/divergence theory to investigate how academic staff and other stakeholders in the sector perceive TU designation and the potential implications of TU designation for teaching, research and service in the sector.

Findings reveal a gap between the rhetoric of what the TU policies seek to achieve and the reality experienced by the academics in their work. Fieldwork data suggest uncertainty in understanding the meaning of TU designation and a relatively low buy-in on TUs among the academic staff. There were concerns about the lack of relevant research support, particularly evident in Arts and Humanities disciplines, teaching being devalued, potential implications of mergers and programme provision at NFQ levels 6 and 7 in the TUs, and existing workload model and contracts not being fit for purpose in Technological Universities. Recommendations are focused on minimising the risks and maximising the benefits of the TU process and suggest significant opportunities in considering any potential implications of TU designation for the academic staff in the sector.

Video 9 Can classroom conversations contribute to the curriculum? Children's perception of the Aistear Framework.

Can classroom conversations contribute to the curriculum? Children's perception of the Aistear Framework.

Paula Kelly and Dr Tash O'Donnell (St Nicolas Montessori Society of Ireland)

Referred to as “a missing link in assessment” (Banta and Kuh, 1998), collaboration between students and faculty has the potential to transform engagement, and reframe assessment. While we all recognise the need for assessment, students tend to be grade-focused (Wotjas, 1998), often paying little attention to written feedback (Ducan, 2007), thus missing an opportunity to transform future work. Clearly, there is a need for our thinking regarding assessment to continue to evolve, but is third level education leaving it too late? If Primary and Secondary institutes are handed a rigid curriculum (Woodrow, 2007), that comes with rigid assessment, ingrained in students long before their engagement with third level institutions. For this reason, the researchers turn their attention to the early education sector, and its Aistear Curriculum Framework (NCCA, 2009). This framework is adaptable and learning is student-led. It creates space for the child’s voice, facilitating innovative research and promoting participation (I’Ansos, 2013). Of course, for students of any age to shape their own learning and assessment, they must understand the curriculum, or rather, we must understand how they interpret the curriculum.

For the purpose of this project, the researchers collaborated with children in early years education, attending an Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) state-funded class. Children aged between 3-6 years were invited to share their views on the Aistear curriculum, with willing participants taking part in a focus group discussion. They children were invited to describe how they “see” each theme of Aistear in their classroom, with each willing participant given an opportunity to express their views. The results were documented by the researchers and read back to the children, offering them an opportunity to change, or add to, their comments. Their feedback was then used to inform preparation of the environment and the planning of learning opportunities.

Video 11 Philosophy As Action

Philosophy as Action

Dr Siobhan Marie Doyle (SMSI College, Dun Laoghaire)

Over the past decade my philosophical research has been motivated by one simple idea, the idea of Philosophy as Action. Through innovative thinking, informed and inspired by numerous research studies, I have co-coordinated undergraduate projects which have helped to transform the reading of philosophy into a practical, or active, form of philosophy.

My current research, which remains driven by this simple idea, has revealed that philosophy is fast becoming a requirement for big tech companies like Amazon, Microsoft, and Google. The evidence, that is readily available, suggests that the problem of a ‘talent gap’ experienced by these companies is currently being addressed by funding selected philosophy departments and by employing philosophy majors. My commentary on the available data will argue that students majoring in philosophy are indeed in demand. So, what changes should educators be making to ‘fill’ the ‘talent gaps’ that employers and researchers are uncovering? While philosophy is clearly valued as an academic subject and a practical skill in terms of logic and applied ethics, could it work even more efficiently as part of a joint major degree? Could this indeed be the best solution to the current problem, and if so, what action should be taken?

Video 12 The decentralising effects of De-Fi Technologies after consideration of economies of scale, example population Ireland

The decentralising effects of De-Fi Technologies after consideration of economies of  scale, example population Ireland

Clara McMahon (Dublin Business School)

The global financial services industry has undergone a significant structural overhaul due to technological advancements in recent years. This research project aims to capture the challenges to market participants present in the emerging sub-sector of Irish De-Fi. Specifically, research aims to assess the presence of Economies of Scale or Economies of Scope as a form of Barrier to Entry of the global De-Fi sector for Irish market participants. The mixed-methodology approach largely focuses on qualitative themes of concern for Irish market-entrants and is supported where relevant by quantitative data regarding the comparative strength of foreign competitor firms. Results drawn from interview participants highlight barriers in the form of regulatory lacunas in the contemporary financial services sector and a lack of sector supports in comparison to foreign competitors. In consideration of these findings, the report stipulates the need for regulatory evolution and provision of increased educational supports to the De-Fi sector. The ancillary artefact produced on foot of the findings aims to highlight the current supports available to the Irish De-Fi sector for those entering the market.

Video 13 Globalisation in an age of Strongmen.

Globalisation in an Age of Strongmen - The Role of the EU

Dr PJ Paul (Dublin Business School)

The Global business environment, and the international environment in general, has entered a new age. While management of international/global business has always attempted to factor in the reality of global complexity, the existence of globalisation as a process provided some degree of certainty and stability that facilitated planning and investment. With the recent, and indeed more recently accelerating degree of change in the environment, that stability and certainty is in danger of vanishing. Debate has now moved on to potential competition between open democratic states and less open and less democratic states led by strong autocratic leaders, here called strongmen, who claim to provide alternative roads to development and prosperity, both domestically and internationally. This geo-political and geo-economic competition has already caused many businesses to reconsider their international/global strategies.

This paper, therefore, takes a geo-political/economic perspective to consider this new business environment from the unique perspective of the European Union (EU). As an acknowledged soft power, and a hard power in the arena of global trade, the EU faces unique problems in applying its considerable resources to influence the direction of global issues. This is true in many current issues, such as globalisation, climate change and sustainability, and in wider security and international relations. The paper takes an immanent critique approach and asks if the EU, in meeting the new challenges, needs to quickly pursue further integration or, if it can lever its existing resources and competences to develop and apply more common positions on global issues and particularly on the future of globalisation.

Video 14 H20 Deep Learning Versus Ensemble Machine Learning Method for Building Energy Efficiency Prediction

H20 Deep Learning Versus Ensemble Machine Learning Method for Building Energy Efficiency Prediction

Temitope Abogunloko (Dublin Business School)

This paper presents a comparative study between traditional, deep learning and ensemble machine-learning approaches for predicting building energy efficiency. Models are trained on a dataset of 600,026 energy-use cases representing different combinations of building characteristics and outdoor weather conditions in Nigeria. In developing the model, eight machine-learning algorithms are tested and compared in terms of accuracy and computational efficiency: Random Forest, Gradient Boosting Machine, Deep Learning, Decision Tree, Naïve Bayes, Generalized Linear Model, Linear Regression and Support Vector Machine. The most important variables in determining energy efficiency are identified, such as building insulation, cooling system and lightning. The Gradient Boosting Machine model achieves the highest accuracy of 0.91. The approach could help better understand the impact of building design on energy efficiency and identify opportunities for introducing energy- saving measures in building design.

Video 15 Graph learning approaches to extract actionable insights from electronic health records

Graph learning approaches to extract actionable insights from electronic health records

Terri Hoare (Dublin Business School)

This research explores the application of machine learning techniques to knowledge graph representations of Electronic Health Records (EHRs). EHRs comprise both structured as well as unstructured data such as clinicians notes and x-rays. The problem is to extract actionable insights from EHRs to support decision making by medical staff. Healthcare providers look to better understand what influences patient journeys so they can improve individual outcomes as well as identify optimal treatment paths. Treatments are rarely a single event, especially for serious illnesses. The aim is to understand pathways of patient journeys through intensive care treatment by modelling and storing the patient journeys as a knowledge graph of symptoms, tests, treatment plans, and outcomes, together with secondary and following treatment plans and outcomes. The aim is to apply machine learning to the graphs. Knowledge graphs are a type of knowledge representation that can effectively organize and represent enormously large volumes of connected data so that the representation can efficiently be used by advanced applications. A critical element in machine learning on EHR knowledge graphs is to convert the patient journey to a machine learning friendly representation. The topology of the graph must be represented as a vector in a vector space suitable for machine learning. The literature on the use of knowledge graphs for modelling EHR data is explored focusing on Intensive Care Unit (ICU) care. A demonstration of the data model is presented together with the advantages and disadvantages of the use of embeddings (representation-based inference) compared to graph neural networks (neural network-based inference) for learning the vector representations of patient journeys and the intersection of machine learning on EHR graphs.

Video 16 Mis/Adventures in Applied Research in Filmmaking: Who Pays the Piper?

Mis/Adventures in Applied Research in Filmmaking: Who Pays the Piper?

Conor Murphy (Dublin Business School), Dr James Fair (Bournemouth University) & Dr Barnaby Taylor (Dublin Business School)


A discussion into the mechanics of funding models for feature film production in the Higher Education context. Why do institutions/funders often have criteria that are diametrically opposed to the culture of filmmaking? Historically, there has been a wide range of mechanisms to fund process (T&L), but very little in the way of funding product (Film content). This disparity often drives practice-based research away from its natural objectives and insists on locating film research and practice outside industry realities and needs.

Video 17 Examining a Hybrid Film Studio Model Towards a Global Film School

Examining a Hybrid Film Studio Model Towards a Global Film School

Dr. James Fair (Bournemouth University), Conor Murphy (Dublin Business School)

An ongoing Case Study that looks at a variety of UG and PG film courses in Ireland and the UK, with built-in requirements for feature film production as core course material and output.

- Staffordshire University/Filmbase (2011-2016);

- UWS/Filmbase/DBS (2017-2018); - UCLAN (2016 – date)

- Bournemouth University (2014 to date)

Why has this model stalled at HEI level when there is a growing demand for broadcast-ready content? This proposal takes a practice research approach to examine the development of specific contextual and sectoral skills as opposed to the approach of the traditional film school model.

Video 18 Reframe and Reflect Collaborative Vertical Filmmaking in the Age of TikTok

Reframe and Reflect Collaborative Vertical Filmmaking in the Age of TikTok

Dr Barnaby Taylor (Dublin Business School), Conor Murphy (Dublin Business School)

In Queline Meadows’s recent video essay, The Rise of Film TikTok, (November, 2020) the idea of reframing is used to consider some of the ways in which new forms of social media content allow for reconsidering and reimagining existing notions of film and film culture.

FourThree is a vertical form Fair Use, collaborative film developed by academics and learners at Dublin Business School. As well as exploring the dynamics of interactive filmmaking and remote learning during the pandemic, FourThree further investigates the design and execution of academic/student collaborative assessment methods at Third Level initiated in 2017 with the experimental film Lumière Word Cloud. Inspired by current research into social media filmmaking, informed by recent developments in moving image theory, and responding to contemporary storytelling practices, FourThree is also an attempt to reimagine the familiar in film and film criticism by reframing post-war European film practice via the inversion of traditional concepts of aspect ratio. In this way, FOURTHREE is an act of vertical cinephilia.

This paper will explore the development and execution of the project as well as reflecting on the process and the lessons learned.

Video 19 Establishing the feasibility of the Evidence-Based Practices for Autism, Implementation in Mainstream schools (EBP-AIM) Toolkit: A Research Proposal

Establishing the feasibility of the Evidence-Based Practices for Autism, Implementation in Mainstream schools (EBP-AIM) Toolkit: A Research Proposal

Dr Lorna Barry, SMSI College

A key issue in applied research is bridging the gap between research and practice, and supporting the sustained implementation of research findings in applied settings. In autism education, establishing the effective implementation of evidence-based practices (EBPs) in classroom settings with students with autism continues to be an important barrier in supporting autistic students in classrooms (Odom et al., 2020). Previous research has demonstrated that Irish teachers lack knowledge of EBPs (Barry et al., 2021), and because knowledge of EBPs is associated with use of EBPs, accessing effective and appropriate training to increase teachers’ knowledge of EBPs is an important first-step in scaling up EBP use. However, research suggests that increasing knowledge is unlikely to significantly impact EBP use without other implementation strategies and supports (National Implementation Research Network, n.d.). This research proposal aims to outline the development and feasibility testing of the Evidence-Based Practices for Autism Implementation in Mainstream school (EBP-AIM) Toolkit for teachers, and the implementation strategies which will be used to assess its efficacy and feasibility. The EBP-AIM is a contextually and theoretically driven programme designed to improve the implementation of EBPs in classroom settings, thus providing an important blueprint of the transfer of knowledge from research to applied settings.

Video 20 Hospital librarians’ perception of their contribution to evidence-based practice (EBP) in healthcare settings in Ireland

Hospital librarians’ perception of their contribution to evidence-based practice (EBP) in healthcare settings in Ireland.

David Keane (Dublin Business School)

Proposal Abstract: Healthcare is a knowledge driven sector that relies on accurate and current information to deliver evidence-based practice (EBP). EBP is the integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values to help make decisions about the care of the individual. A core component of EBP is the ability to find and evaluate scientific evidence. Information literacy training that supports EBP, such as research skills and critical appraisal, is often designed and delivered by hospital librarians in healthcare settings.

This study will explore how hospital librarians (HLs) perceive their contribution to EBP in healthcare settings in Ireland. The sample for this research are librarians currently working in the ~40 hospital libraries in public, voluntary, and private settings in Ireland. This is qualitative research, applying an inductive, mono-method interpretivist approach. Data will be collected from participants through semi-structured interviews; this data will then be analysed by thematic analysis.

Findings from this study will be useful to both the LIS and healthcare sectors, and can be used to: update existing HL roles; develop and update core LIS training and continuing professional development; explore and strengthen collaboration in healthcare settings; support EBP in healthcare; support HLs in the workplace; and may act as a springboard to further research.

Video 21 Assessing construction professionals' perception of the effectiveness of safety management tasks on safety culture within the Irish construction sector.

Assessing construction professionals' perception of the effectiveness of safety management tasks on safety culture within the Irish construction sector.

David Hayde (Dublin Business School)

The topic of safety management is highly applicable and relevant in the construction sector today. Ireland’s construction sector accounted for forty-nine casualties from 2016 to 2020, with the sector making up just over 28% of all fatal workplace casualties in 2020 (HSA, 2021, p.8) (Leavy, 2021, p.7). Therefore, safety is of paramount importance on a construction site. However, due to the constant rotation of labour between different sites on top of construction projects needing highly collaborative efforts from numerous organisations, it is difficult for an organisation to embed concrete safety values into the dynamic and ever-changing work environment in which they operate.

The safety management task framework was created to function as a standardised framework to heighten the safety culture on construction sites across Australia. The framework functions under the assumption that by identifying employees occupying “safety critical positions” (See Appendix 1) and the safety management tasks relevant to those positions (See Appendix 2), when performed, the result of an increased safety culture and overall safety performance will be achieved (Dingsdag et al., 2006, p.1).

Assessing the framework through conferring with Irish construction professionals via a semi-structured format will allow deep insight into why the framework may not be considered adequate presently and allows for conceptualising new potential tasks and categories.

Video 22 Comparative study of Image processing algorithms on X-Ray Images to detect defects on welds

Comparative study of Image processing algorithms on X-Ray Images to detect defects on welds

Nikith Muralidhar (Dublin Business School)

In the manufacturing industry, non-destructive evaluation (NDE) of components is crucial. These elements' welds are susceptible to porosities and other anomalies. If such flaws are included into the components, the fatigue life will be harmed, which would almost certainly result in catastrophic accidents. Humans currently evaluate such welds by examining their radiographs. We propose an automatic approach for detecting faults in welds with the goal of producing a category that will eliminate the need for manual testing. The technique looks for the weld line in an X-ray image of a weld, then looks for anomalies in the area around it. In the previous years, Image processing technology has advanced significantly. The method proposed utilizes various image recognition models which are ResNet, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN’s) and Region based Convolutional Neural Networks (RCNN’s). Human examiners may benefit from the approach because it reduces their workload, according to the hypothesis.

Video 23 Unmasking- Analysing the experiences of Irish women diagnosed as adults with ASD

Unmasking- Analysing the experiences of Irish women diagnosed as adults with ASD

Frankie Nesirky (Dublin Business School)

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopment disability characterised by differences in neurological processing. (American Psychiatric Association, 2013) Compared to their male counterparts, females with ASD are at a substantially increased risk of their ASD either being missed entirely or being misdiagnosed. Research points to figures as high as four boys diagnosed for every one girl. (Fombonne 2009) Thus, many women who would meet the full criteria if adequately assessed, never receive a diagnosis, and consequently never receive the support they need. Research shows that even when females do receive a diagnosis, they do so at a much later time compared to their male counterparts. (Giarella et al 2010) Research shows that this gender bias has wide reaching implications for the wellbeing of autistic women, and has been highlighted as an area to be addressed by research. This qualitative research will employ the use of interviews to analyse the experiences of women in Ireland who are diagnosed with ASD as adults. It will attempt to discuss the impact of the diagnosis, the journey to their diagnosis and how having undiagnosed ASD affected their life.

Video 24 Multilingual identity construction through culture teaching in adult mandarin learning study abroad situations using narrative inquiry and analysis

Multilingual identity construction through culture teaching in adult mandarin learning study abroad situations using narrative inquiry and analysis

Jun Yan (Dublin Business School)

Despite the fact that Chinese has become a global language, little study has been carried out on how learners of Chinese as a second language (CAL) and Mandarin, in particular, explore their multilingual identities through culture teaching in hybrid beginner Chinese classrooms.

This article provides a theoretical overview of multilingual identity, concentrating mainly on the social identity theory of what multilingual identity entails, and demonstrates how these concepts are linked to narrative inquiry and analysis. The researcher used a narrative-based study of German students engaging in study abroad programs in Ireland. The first part is a thematic analysis of the final written exam paper, learning reflection questions and answers.

The second part is a short story analysis——using three-story scales of context (story, Story, STORY) of an interview extract (Barkhuizen, 2016). In the finding part, the author starts the short story analysis by searching line-by-line for the people in the stories and focusing on social interaction and identity. The paper ends with a short discussion of possible implications for Chinese language teaching and future study. The two classroom scenarios will be chosen: the Chinese New Year celebrations and the Chinese food and medicine guest speaker workshop. It is suggested that first, Chinese as a foreign language education must include multilingual identity as an explicit objective. Second, cultural teaching as a curriculum would meet students' ongoing linguistic and communicative competency needs.

Video 25 Learners’ reflecting on learning outcomes How does this influence the learning experience

Learners’ reflecting on learning outcomes How does this influence the learning experience

Anne Burlinson & Ali Dench (Sheridan Institute of Higher Education)

Self-reflection is an effective technique that helps leaders in their professional and personal development. Some companies have developed a performance evaluation methodology where staff members are asked to examine how their goals contribute to the operational or strategic objectives. Is it possible to replicate this scenario for students and build self-reflection capability early? We are currently testing this concept in two of our tertiary classrooms. Every few weeks, students are asked to reflect on learning outcomes (LOs) and rate their ability in achieving them. Each unit of study is designed with five or six LOs which students typically review during their first lecture. However, ongoing discussions concerning LOs have generally been limited. To address this, we are providing students with the LOs in question form to help them reflect. For example, “How confident am I that I would be able to elaborate on the Emotional Intelligence model” or “How would I rate my ability to effectively work in a group to develop and deliver an audio-visual presentation?” We want to explore if this exercise enhances academic performance, student engagement, and self-reflective potential. Our next step is to conduct a thorough literature review to formalise the methodology.

Video 26 Application Of Feature Engineering and Dimensionality Reduction Techniques To Build Credit Card Fraud Detection Model

Application Of Feature Engineering and Dimensionality Reduction Techniques To Build Credit Card Fraud Detection Model

Mansi Garach (Dublin Business School)

Obtaining goods, services or money by unethical way is considered as Fraud. The traditional frauds have been modified with the advances in technology and they have become advanced in their nature by involving use of world wide web and mobile devices. Online shopping, online order and online payments became day to day activity during COVID-19 pandemic era. With this, hackers and fraudsters increased their crime rate too. Many researches focus on developing classification models only and there is no consideration of the features selected. The proposed research’s focus is to apply dimensionality reduction techniques like PCA and UMAP and come up with the most appropriate features to be provided to four supervised classification models: like Logistic Regression, K-Nearest Neighbor, Decision Tree and Random Forest. The results are to be compared against the goal of achieving 70% of Accuracy + Precision.

Video 27 Successful Collaboration in Online Learning through Skills and Community Building: A Women in Leadership MBA Subject Applied Research Case Study.

Successful Collaboration in Online Learning through Skills and Community Building: A Women in Leadership MBA Subject Applied Research Case Study

Vanessa Stafford (Kaplan Business School)

Harasim’s Collaborativism and Garrison’s Community of Inquiry are underpinned by the notion that successful online peer-peer collaboration leads to deep learning and that online learners require scaffolded facilitator support to successfully collaborate. This support includes two actions: firstly, transitioning students from the roles of face-to-face learners to online learners so they know what to do and how to do it in a new learning environment and secondly, building a strong online community that sets the positive cognitive and behavioural building blocks that underpin successful collaboration. Collaborativism sees learners progressing through distinct discourse-focussed collaboration stages in order to achieve new, deep knowledge acquisition and Community of Inquiry proposes the convergence of Social Presence, Teaching Presence, and Cognitive Presence to achieve the same. Linking theory to practice, Salmon’s 5-stage model for online learning complements these frameworks by providing facilitators with a practical online learning model, with embedded learning activities, providing the tools to create a strong online learner community. These three theorists bring Social Constructivism to the online learning space.

MBA661 Gendered Workplace Environments v1, is an AQF-9, level 600 MBA subject within a Women in Leadership specialisation stream. It is used here in an illustrative case study on how to successfully apply these theories and aligned model to achieve online Social Constructivism. The educational philosophy used in its syllabus design and facilitation was to put community building activities before content teaching so that technology and collaboration skills were developed in a supportive, scaffolded manner, better equipping students to then engage in effective, collaborative content learning. This case study provides presumptive evidence that placing community building activities before content teaching within weekly lesson plans results in strong student collaboration skills development that may contribute to higher student satisfaction levels with collaborative learning. This active-learning presentation will allow participants to experience two of the applied research case study’s successful community building activities, enabling the participants to understand the theory and case study findings more intimately.

Video 28 The role and relevance of Knowledge and Knowledge Management in the Health Sector: An Irish Case Study

The role and relevance of Knowledge and Knowledge Management in the Health Sector: An Irish Case Study

Dr Paul McEvoy (Dublin Business School)

Video 29 Reflections on using Web 2.0 technologies in an online environment in higher education

Reflections on using Web 2.0 technologies in an online environment in higher education

Dr Juergen Rudolph (Kaplan Higher Education Singapore)

Online teaching and in particular, student engagement, during the pandemic have been challenging. My personal challenge is additionally to “teach less learn more”, to cite a motto by Singapore’s Ministry of Education. My focus is to foster student engagement in online classes by including Web 2.0 technological tools in an online environment. The use of Web 2.0 tools such as Quizziz, Mentimeter, google docs etc. provide formative assessment opportunities. I receive feedback on students’ knowledge and I can then provide both positive and constructive feedback to the students. I share some of my implementation examples (Mentimeter, Quizizz, polls, chat, google docs) and a tool that I use to collect feedback after every session, Stephen Brookfield’s Critical Incident Questionnaire. My reflections consider positive outcomes of the adjustments and areas for improvement. It is my goal to make formative assessments as authentic as possible and include carefully-crafted activities (that oftentimes use EdTech and Web 2.0 technologies) in each session, irrespective of the module that I teach.

Video 30 Group Work and Online Teaching

Group Work and Online Teaching

Declan Scully (Dublin Business School)

As a result of the revolution in online teaching, it is increasingly apparent that communication issues arising from groupwork are becoming more and more salient. I have been working on some documentation arising from validation of a programme in marketing. More and more, relevant stakeholders point to the difficulties in managing group work. Some of the following issues are pertinent 1) What expectations are being placed upon learners in respect of group design?. Are these expectations realistic?  2) Are lecturers sufficiently coached and managed in terms of policing these expectations and in terms of managing processes around making group work be successful?  3) Are concerns around the rights/expectations of the individual within a group being given enough thought? What strategies can be used to protect individuals in groups? Therefore, it seems like an interesting idea to engage with learners in focus groups to assess some of their concerns in relation to the above. Once that is achieved, a more informed approach by management can be entertained in terms of setting standards around group design to improve outcomes for lecturers and learners alike.

Video 32 Solaris at 50 the challenge of re voicing Tarkovsky's science fiction masterpiece


Solaris at 50 the challenge of re voicing Tarkovsky's science fiction masterpiece

Matthew Nolan (Dublin Business School)

2022 marks the 50th anniversary of Solaris and to celebrate this I have been commissioned by Film at Lincoln Centre in New York to produce a new musicalscore which will be premiered at the New York Film Festival this autumn.

The contemporary score for older cinema constitutes a vibrant and kinetic dialogue between artists across decades, if not longer. The intervention of a new musical score can open out the possibility of a different kind of counterpoint and mode of appreciation, akin to reflective points in other modes of musical expression. This art form contains multitudes.

Today we are at the beginning of a fascinating new art form, contemporary scores for not just silent cinema but films with pre-existing and often iconic music. In some respects, it brings film back to its original heritage as spectacle. It allows a film to have many scores, also helping maintain a creative dialogue with our cinematic past, allowing new audiences to rediscover them, and to evolve. It doesn’t replace the original score, nor does it draw a line between these scores and more contemporary, even unorthodox ones.

Each score is singular and often innovative in its own way. But the contemporary score for an older film, both recorded, and at its best, in live performance is a distinct art form, often independent of the previous conceptions of the relationship between film and music at the time of production. This new approach offers rich opportunities on multiple levels for experimentation in film music. Ultimately, these explorations can contribute to the overall body of work that is contemporary film music. It also represents an ongoing examination and affirmation that the art form of contemporary scores for older cinema represents a rich opportunity for innovative and alternative audience experiences.

Video 33 Ireland becomes a dominion of the British Empire/Commonwealth in 1922, how did the other dominions feel about that?

Ireland becomes a dominion of the British Empire/Commonwealth in 1922, how did the other dominions feel about that?

Mícheál Ó Fathartaigh (Dublin Business School)

The Anglo-Irish Treaty of 1921, implemented in 1922, gave most of the island of Ireland substantive political independence, but it did not give it full sovereignty, as a republic, rather partial sovereignty, as a dominion – called the Irish Free State – of the British Empire/Commonwealth. Therefore, while in 1922 the Irish Free State took its place among the nations of the earth, it did so more specifically alongside the five other dominions of the British Empire/Commonwealth: Australia and New Zealand, Canada and Newfoundland, and South Africa. How did they feel about their new fellow dominion? The purpose of my research was to determine this.

The reactions to Irish independence from the other dominions reflected four things in particular: attitudes towards Irish nationalism; feelings towards their own Irish communities; each of the countries’ sense of identity; and the direction in which they wanted to develop their own sovereignty. Regarding the latter, the apron strings of the British Empire were, circa 1922, being loosed – as it transitioned to become the British Commonwealth, and some of the dominions were pursuing this, while some were not. In this context, Irish independence in 1922 assumed another layer of significance.

Video 34 Activity Theory : an ideal conceptual framework for applied research?


Activity Theory : an ideal conceptual framework for applied research?

Dr Tony Murphy (Dublin Business School)

This presentation discusses the value and drawbacks of Activity Theory for practical research specifically in the area of organisational behaviour. The presentation will draw on research into the management of multimodal programme development and delivery using Activity Theory and a proposed project to investigate the traditional and alternative management structures in higher education.

Video 35 Social-Constructivism and the Pathway to Employment

Social-Constructivism and the Pathway to Employment

Dr Rita Day (Dublin Business School)

Video 36 Development of an Evidence Response to COVID 19

Development of an Evidence Response to COVID 19

Ronan Hegarty (HSE)

At the onset of the COVID pandemic, HSE frontline staff faced the immediate challenge of managing cases of COVID-19 across healthcare settings, with little in the way of best practice guidance. Frontline staff required access to summaries of the latest guidance to support them in their clinical practice. HSE National Health Library & Knowledge (now renamed HSE Health Library Ireland) was asked to provide literature searches and evidence summaries on questions in relation to COVID-19 from frontline health workers, health managers and National Clinical Programmes.

A national virtual team of HSE librarians including some other volunteer librarians was quickly established. This Evidence Team developed a standardised search protocol which established a specific set of sources to search. An Evidence Summary template was also developed in which the evidence found during the literature search could be completed by librarians and disseminated. Each question received was validated to see if there was existing guidance available; where a summary was appropriate, a systematic literature search was carried out and the best available evidence compiled into a concise 1 or 2 page summary of evidence.

Evidence summaries were completed by pairs of librarians and were then sent to the healthcare worker that had requested the review. Before being sent for publication, the reviews were subject to a double editorial. The completed summaries were made freely available in 3 separate locations online.

Initially, the service was used mainly by individual health professionals as well as the National Clinical Programmes. In 2021, the service was increasingly availed of by the National Immunisation Advisory Committee.

Going forward, while still being available to provide evidence summaries on COVID-19, the Evidence Team offers a comprehensive search and summary service to all HSE staff on any healthcare topic. We are also collaborating with the Health Information Quality Authority.

Video 37 Case Study Workshop

Case Study Workshop

Ann Lane (Dublin Business School)