The Practical Applied Research Conference (PARC) at DBS is a conference, organised by the DBS Applied Research and Practice Committee, that celebrates the value of applied research. We can view applied research as “research that is conducted for practical reasons and thus often has an immediate application. The results are usually actionable and recommend changes to increase effectiveness and efficiency in selected areas” (Lewis-Breck, Bryman, and Futing Liao, 2004). So, as you can see, this is wide open and is especially applicable to research in the business and education field.
The conference is our third PARC event and is an opportunity to share the results of applied research projects beyond your own discipline and to generate a conversation about the experience of conducting applied projects with researchers from across a range of academic disciplines. Last year's event was a great success and it can be found here: PARC 24.
Papers presented at the conference will be hosted on the DBS Institutional Repository eSource. Participants at the conference are also welcome to submit their projects for a future edition of the DBS Applied Research and Theory Journal.
PARC welcomes submissions about the results of applied research projects as well as papers that discuss the experience of applied research in different contexts. We also welcome papers and opinion pieces that consider specific issues with applied research. These papers could consider some of the following questions:
The conference organisers would particularly welcome submissions that discuss cross-discipline applied research and/or are from collaborations between academics and students.
This conference offers researchers from all disciplines the opportunity to exchange ideas and practical experience of the specific aspects of applied research—challenges, problems, issues, solutions— with fellow practitioners. We welcome submissions about both the experience of conducting applied research and the results of applied research projects.
Abstract submissions are requested in four categories:
Submissions are encouraged from professionals and students.
Students are encouraged to submit applied research and practice proposals or digital/physical posters. The best students submissions will be considered for the PARC 25 Student Awards.
Applied Research and Practice Projects (300 word abstract for a 20 min presentation)
Outline a research project that you were involved in, present your results, and discuss the process of conducting this study.
Commentary on Applied Research and Practice Experiences (200 word abstract for a 10 min presentation)
Tell us about your reflections on the experience of applied research, whether this pertains to one project or your experience over many projects.
Applied Research and Practice Proposal (200 words)
In five minutes, tell us about a proposal for an applied research project.
Digital/Physical Poster (150 word description)
Give an overview of an applied research project that you were involved with. Your poster is for display on the conference web site or in the presentation room.
If you have any questions, please contact the PARC 25 team at: