Demonstrating your impact:
- via citation reports
- measuring your h-index (a single measurement that considers productivity (your output) and citation-based impact simultaneously
- via qualitative measures
Calculating your h-index:
Proposed in 2005 by Jorge Hirsch, the h-index looks at the number of articles by an author (or group) and the number of times those articles have been cited. It combines this data to produce a single number -- the h-index.
The h-index is calculated where h number of articles have been cited h or more times e.g.a h-index of 10 means an author has ten articles that have each received ten or more citations. See here for a detailed overview.
Measures of quality:
Besides quantitative measures, measures of personal esteem should also be considered:
- Editor of a prestigious work of reference
- Fellowship of a learned academy
- Recipient of a nationally/interntionally competitive research fellowship
- Membership of a statutory committee
Other measures of esteem may include:
- Invitations to speak, particularly as the keynote speaker
- Involvement in committees, organisations or societies
- Editor or reviewer on a journal
- Awards or rankings in prestigious lists
Track your citations on Google Scholar:
Create a public profile to make it easier for people to discover all your research via a single web search. Find out more about Google Scholar Citations via Setup
Quantitative measures provide just one part of the picture. They should only be used where it is appropriate to do so and with an understanding that it is extremely difficult to compare across subject areas without taking into account a subject area's publication and citation patterns. It is also widely acknowledged that the main citation tools do not offer the ability to produce appropriate and accurate metrics in Humanities, Engineering and Computer Science which are less dependent on journals when compared to other disciplines. The coverage of areas within the Social Sciences is also limited in a number of tools.
ORCID (Open Researcher & Contributer ID):
... is a nonproprietary alphanumeric code to uniquely identify scientific and other academic authors.
- Link all current author ID schemes to one a persistent digital identifier.
- Attach ID to research objects e.g. datasets, articles, media stories and patents
- Include the ID in manuscript and grant submissions
- Find out more about ORCID